Here, there be . . . stories! |
in a genre or a format that is outside your comfort zone can really expand your
skill set as an author—at least that’s the hope. The following was submitted for a contest
which encompassed both, and added the restriction of using an image to guide
the story. This piece wasn’t selected as
a finalist, but I’m pleased with the attempt and the results.
Clear and Hold
I loved search and destroy
That’s the
standing order for the Voll. Their blood
carries diseases and impurities. They
kidnap children to infect them. They
seduce pure men to get pregnant and coerce or rape pure women. Command says they must be destroyed.
I agreed.
The Voll’s burrow
was an old bunker—civilian, abandoned, and in ruins. Dark and dank—the kind of thing they
like. Drones were useless in the
confined space, so it was limited sat-comm with heat signatures on IR for the
op. The LT sent four of us.
We went in
by the numbers.
I curled my
fingers around the hard composite of my MTAR-33 assault rifle and found the
biometric studs. ARES chirped phys-chem
recognition and overlays leapt into view.
A targeting reticle—gray to indicate no active target—floated while ARES
scanned the bunker. A 3D map bounced in
front of me. ARES estimated two
We were
ninety meters in when all hell broke loose.
Heat sign went off the scale around us. They had a boiler working and
flooded steam through the piping.
Smokers went off and IR became useless.
ARES switched to full VR of the bunker.
A light
blue wireframe overlayed the flowing white smoke and outlined the corridor,
doorways, rooms and service access. Two
glowing semi-circles gave me estimated distance and time to contact from my
current position. I peered past the blue
VR lines through the smoke and strained to make out the enemy.
ARES was
wrong. Four or five Volls came out of
the walls, and they came fast. They used
some kind of heat shields—insulation or something. Private Stinson got it first—goddamn axe
handle to the back of the head.
crumpled to the ground without a sound.
It wasn’t how a soldier should go down.
Bell and
Greengar managed to open fire, but in the smoke and heat and confusion—the Voll
had the advantage.
finally caught up to the action. The
system painted the four hostiles with red chevrons to mark their position and
yellow targeting reticles.
They came
at me, screeching and clicking, chittering like bugs.
I lined up
my MTAR with the first targeting reticle.
The crosshair circle changed from yellow to green and I squeezed the
trigger five times. My rifle thumped
softly against my shoulder while ARES muted the gunfire sounds to small
pops. Two Voll dropped to the ground.
I swung to
the next reticle.
There was
too many.
ARES pulsed
a red proximity alert over everything to warn me. The second Voll swung a club at me. I dropped the Voll at point blank range with
two hasty shots, but the club bounced against my helmet and cheek with a dull
thud. I was momentarily blinded as pain
blossomed through my face and eye.
The next
Voll swung a broken pipe that tore my MTAR from my grip. The weapon clattered across the floor. I drew my sidearm and ARES switched the
targeting reticles and ranges. The Voll
swung again. I jumped back and fired. The first two shots pinged off the concrete
floor. The third caught the Voll in the
abdomen. ARES confirmed the kill.
Too many.
ARES pulsed
the red proximity warning faster. I got
off a hasty shot at the last Voll with the axe handle. The Voll screamed, smashed the thick wood
into my hands twice and knocked the sidearm free. I drew my KA-BAR. ARES painted pink splashes to adapt to the
tactical knife.
The Voll
swung the axe handle at my head. I
stepped into the creature and used my left arm to catch the strike near the
Voll’s hands. It stung, but the block
did what was needed. I stabbed toward
the pink splash target, but wasn’t fast enough.
The Voll punched me in the face.
ARES registered the hit, and flowed quick calculations for damage,
fatigue and chance of recovery.
I caught
the next two punches with quick blocks.
I ducked down, spun and kicked the Voll’s legs out from under him. The Voll fell backward and I lunged with my
knife. The blade slid into his left
shoulder. He screamed and hissed,
grabbed my hand and trapped it against the knife handle. ARES streamed information about the Voll’s
wound—debilitating but not fatal.
The axe
handle careened off my helmet in a series of wild blows. My cheek broke under the barrage as I fought
to free my hand from the knife. The Voll
dropped the handle and punched me. Inky
black flared in front of me from each blow.
ARES fritzed—the words and numbers froze, vibrated and hissed with
static. The red pulse of the proximity
warning missed a beat, and then another.
It picked up again on my right side, but not the left. I had a split-world view. On the right, ARES functioned normally, but
my left was stripped of the overlays.
The Voll
chittered and hissed—underneath a voice spoke.
Christ! Please don’t kill me! Jesuschristplease!”
I looked
down and froze. On the right, I saw the
Voll as they’d always been—a hideous, hairless creature with a deformed head,
melted features and dark, mottled skin.
My left eye showed a human. A
man. He was emaciated by hunger and
streaked with dirt from living in a bunker, but he was a man. His clothes might have fit him a year ago,
but now they hung off his frame. The
man’s face was contorted in fear and pain.
Tears streamed down his face and drew tracks across his cheeks. It was a brutal contrast to the alien anger
and rage my right eye showed me.
I scrambled
back from the man. ARES helpfully
pointed out where my rifle and sidearm were, easy to reach. I ignored the information. The downed Volls were identified by ARES as
To my left
eye, all of them were human, bleeding red blood, looks of horror and pain
carved on their faces.