Monday, July 29, 2019

A Lovely Tea Party

Nope. Not creepy at all.

We had a pretty good weekend, in that I didn’t have to do a lot, and that’s what made it good.

Middle son up and decided he wanted to play baseball. I have no idea where this came from, but there we were, Saturday morning, waiting for his exhibition game to start. I found a spot under a tree right near third base, and we were in the shade the entire fifteen hours of the game.

After that, we hosted a dinner with a couple of my former speech/debate competitors who are about to graduate from college. It seems like just three years ago we were having the end of season banquet. We played Dominion and Betrayal at House on the Hill.

I dominated Dominion, although I suspect I cheated. Inadvertently! Inadvertently! They really should mark the cards abilities more clearly for the 40-something-nearly-senile set.

For Betrayal . . . I was the betrayer, and I was very, very bad at it. Crimson Jack was deeply disappointed with my failure. I again tried to “cheat” by going through a doorway that was actually a wall. That damned Mystic Elevator can be very confusing. 

Oddly, none of the heroes wanted to give my character a ride home.

But it was fine.  It was all fine.

Sunday, we played 5-Minute Dungeon with the boys.  That’s a stellar game. It’s a bit too fast-paced for me as well as my 7-year-old, but we both did our best and nearly beat “A Freakin’ Dragon”.

In case you can't tell, we really love cooperative games at my house. They're way more fun and everyone wins together or fails together.

More news on COMPANY OF THE DAMNED to follow sometime this week. Stay tuned.

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