Thursday, August 27, 2020

Eric Lahti Reviews Beneath a Fearful Moon

If you haven’t read an Eric Lahti novel, you should. His writing is so crisp and clean, it punches

Timberjiggers need love too!
you right in the gut. You get that sense from the review he wrote for BENEATH A FEARFUL MOON, and I couldn’t be more appreciative that he still reads my work, let alone takes time to review it:

I’ve always felt the novella doesn’t get enough love. In this day of digital and on-demand publishing, there’s really no reason to focus exclusively on massive tomes just because they’re easier to run through the printing press. Not every story needs to be four hundred pages long and trying to stretch a shorter tale into a full-length novel just gives you Star Trek: The Motion Picture. A story should be precisely as long as it needs to be and no longer.


Thank you, Mr. Lahti.

Read the Rest Here!

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