Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Great Mills High School in Maryland

No words on this one. Sorry.

This is not my argument. It was made by a friend of mine.  It so accurately sums up the issues that I’ve stolen it and provided it here:

Guns don't kill people, people kill people. So we're told gun control isn't the answer. You can't sue the gun makers or make it difficult for people get guns, even if there are signs that they'd be dangerous.

People don't kill themselves, the opioids are killing them. So we're told we need to take the opioids away. We should go after the drug makers and doctors, and make it very difficult for people in pain to get relief.

So... we have to take something that can be useful away from you, because you might use it to harm yourself.

But we have to make sure you can get all the guns you want, even though they're useless unless you're hurting someone.

This isn't logic, it's twisted moralizing.

In the overall scheme of firearm death/violence, “mass shootings” are not, in themselves, that big of a problem—they only account for a small percentage of the overall death.  They do, however, quickly underline in blood and tears and loss the exact nature of the problem.  Humans are now and may always be too emotional, too irrational, too prone to violence to be responsible enough as a species to be trusted with firearms.

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