Author's Note: This one actually came from my old blog, but as it came up recently in a discussion, I moved it over here, spruced it up a bit and am now sharing with you. Enjoy!
bear with me, there will be prizes at the end.
Is Bothan another name for soap bubble? |
go put in your copy of Star Wars: Return
of the Jedi. You know you’ve got one (I’ve got four), so go watch it, and
we’ll all wait here.
Lando, what a character, eh?
let me draw your attention to this particular scene and information-drop in the
data brought to us by the Bothan spies pinpoints the exact location of the
Emperor’s new battle station. We also know that the weapon systems of this
Death Star are not yet operational. With the Imperial Fleet spread throughout
the galaxy in a vain effort to engage us, it is relatively unprotected. But,
most important of all, we’ve learned that the Emperor himself is personally
overseeing the final stages of the construction of this Death Star.
Mothma - Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
the Bothans brought three pieces of important information:
1 - “The exact
location” of the new Death Star
2 - The weapon’s
systems weren’t operational
3 - The Emperor
would be on board
How many Bothans died? All. All the Bothans. |
not a bad days’ spying. Even James Bond would be hard-pressed to deliver all
that without an Aston Martin in sight!
this all seems well and good. The Rebels have some key intelligence, they have
the means and will to take advantage and exploit this. Clearly, things are
coming to an exciting and dramatic conclusion in a galaxy far, far away.
yet . . .
the Rebel leaders idiots!?!
check this: From watching the movies, we, the audience, know that the weapons
system on the second Death Star (DS2 as it was known around the Imperial Court)
were actually functional, it appears that the Emperor was moving the pieces the
entire time (which he was), and the Rebellion was playing straight into his
hands (which they did). The information gained by the Bothans was likely
deliberately leaked in order to draw the entire might of the Rebellion to Endor
so that the Emperor could finish them off and turn or kill Luke.
nearly happened!
to the question: If, as Mon Mothma stated, “Many Bothans died to bring us this
Darth Rumsf—The "f" is not silent. |
information.” Why, in the name of all the Light Side of the Force, would the
Rebellion believe this information is still viable? The fact that Bothans were killed
suggests very-damn-strongly, and correctly, that the Empire was on to them.
Knowing that, the immediate assumption should be that the Empire would be
expecting an attack on the “uncompleted” Death Star. Which they were!
attack groups were shocked and awed that it was a trap, when the obvious and
logical conclusion, given the Bothan deaths points directly to a trap. "That is to say there are things that we now
know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do
not know we don’t know."
mean, c’mon, I’m no military strategist, but even I can figure out that if the
spy is captured while transmitting information, as Han might say, “It’s a good
bet the Empire knows we’re coming.”
the flip-side of this question is this:
Is the Emperor an idiot!?!
Kolir Hu'lya is not amused. |
did the Empire kill the Bothan spies? I mean, yeah, I get the whole spying
thing and capital punishment and what not, but feeding misinformation is hardly
a new technique in espionage and military strategy, and killing the messenger,
while time-honored, usually defeats the purpose. Killing the Bothans should
have immediately alerted the Rebellion leadership that the Empire was on to
them and their little spies too. Any information passed to the Rebel Alliance,
especially in the last couple of days, was probably compromised and useless or
bait for a trap. If the Emperor wanted to lead the Rebellion into his trap,
which he clearly did, he should have left the Bothans alone (i.e. not killed
them) at least until the trap was sprung. Or had the Emperor already “forseen”
that the Rebellion didn’t have the sharpest tools in the shed, or rather any
tools or even a shed to hold them. Clearly, offing the Bothans wouldn’t mean
anything except this information was pretty durn important!
Bothan Spy - Sir,
I’ve just managed to steal this highly important and very secret information
away from those Imperial slugs. You’ll have to mobilize immediately to take
advantage of it
Rebel Leader -
Excellent, transmit it.
Bothan Spy -
Alright, done. Arrrggghhhh . . .
Rebel Leader -
What happened?
Stormtrooper 1 -
We just shot and killed this guy for spying.
Stormtrooper 2 -
Yeah, we shot him alot too, because we have bad aim and he didn’t move!
Rebel Leader -
Dead you say?
Stormtrooper 1 -
Dead as a doorknob.
Rebel Leader - For
Stomtrooper 2 - Yeah,
and telling secret stuff!
Rebel Leader - Oh,
very good then. Carry on. We’ll just go ahead and mobilize as if nothing had
Emperor [rubbing
his hands together] - Exxxcellent!
am I the only one who figured this out? Were there no CIA operatives, or twelve
year-old kids who put this together and said, “Umm, hey, Mr. Lucas, sir, you
can write this in, but it really doesn’t make sense.”
the downside on this is that I fully expect to hear the title line on the
playground while watching my son instructs other children on the proper
self-destruct sequence for a Constitution class starship and why it requires at
least two command officers to initiate.