Roaring not required. |
honor of International Women’s Day, here’s a sneak peak of the next book in the
Flames of Perdition series:
kicked the metal door hard. It shattered
the frame, tore free of the hinges, and careened into the floor. Sparks struck as it skidded across the broken
tile and drove itself into a concrete column.
A large chunk of masonry broke free and fell on top the door.
Del yelled, and started through the doorway.
“Go, go, go!”
point, she entered the room first. Her team
of Ljosalfar and Dokkalfar, light and dark elves, were right behind her. Four armed and trained soldiers, swept into
the room. Del, her H&K assault rifle
snug to her shoulder, turned into the left hand corner. For the first time in six months, she didn’t
feel the tickle of fear that her back was turned to a room of potential bad
guys. She didn’t tense twice as hard
with the worry that someone would forget to clear a corner.
a deep, resonant and particularly scary voice said from the darkness inside
ignored it. Her team knew what to
do. She trusted them to do their jobs.
was a half-step behind her. The other
woman, the only true mortal on the team, veered right to make certain her
corner was clear. Their swift movements
meant they crossed into the “fatal funnel” for only a moment, but demons aren’t
known for using firearms. Human
servants, on the other hand, are quite partial, if generally untrained—they
were as dangerous to themselves as anyone else.
Del and Astrid swept and cleared their corners as two Ljosalfar poured
through the door with Kel-Tec combat shotguns.
They immediately opened fire into the rogue demon. Heavy slugs with cold-forged iron cores
slammed into the rogue’s chest. A roar
filled the room, and vibrated through Del’s middle. Demons didn’t understand most emotions, but
anger, righteous or otherwise, was right up their alley.
swept her rifle barrel across the blank wall until she saw the rogue. He was a giant of a man. Taller than any member of her team, and with
the mass to match it. He topped Del and
Astrid by head, shoulders and chest. He
looked like a stereotypical barbarian-slash-bodybuilder from the 80s—the kind
they oiled up, slapped on fur-trimmed underwear, and rolled film.
now he had two gaping holes in his chest.
will all pay for this insult!” the rogue roared at them.
took two steps toward them. Del pulled
the trigger three times.
kick from her H&K barely registered against her shoulder as it spat more cold-forged
steel. Two shots slammed into the
rogue’s left leg and he crumpled to his right knee. The third missed and buried itself in the
wall behind him. Del hated to waste the
exclusive ammunition, but the result was well worth the attempt.
This is my boomstick! |
will tear your heads from your bodies,” the rogue yelled. His voice seemed to come from everywhere at
the same time. “I will drink your
heart’s blood from your still-wet skulls.”
him up!” Del ordered.
two shotguns stepped apart in near unison.
Through the hole they made, her last two team members strode right to
the rogue demon. Their military-grade
M26 Taser led the way. As soon as they
were ten feet from the rogue, they shot.
Demons, manifesting in the mortal world, were still damned scary. The Taser probes shot out and struck the
rogue’s chest and stomach. Immediately,
a fifty-thousand volts times two travelled over the wires and into his central
nervous system.
effect was immediate.
demon screeched. Its body jerked, arms
thrust out and back arched until it seemed its spine might break.
for reading!