Welcome to . . . Idaho? Snake River and Shoshone Falls just five minutes away |
Note: We’ve fled from the
urban and suburban sprawl of Southern California to the very rural and eerily ambivalent
state of Idaho and my wife’s family farm. We’re not hiding out from Covid-19,
but we’re hiding out from Covid-19. Mostly, this lets our boys have playmates
more their age, and breaks up the monotony of summer quarantine. I miss my desk
and my truck, but all things considered, with my condition and compromised
immune system, this is a pretty decent place to be.
All that said, the following
was my conclusion to a rather lengthy and unfortunate discussion with a friend
who seems to have gotten a few facts crisscrossed. It’s an easy thing to do,
and while I’m certainly not an expert, and would never claim to be, I’ve relied
on the information from experts, and provided the full links to show my work.
Finally, the following is not political. It's just science.
Except I'm not nearly this cute! |
On top of that, you're
drawing from the wrong numbers. While there certainly are 329 million people in
the U.S. (source: U.S. Census https://www.census.gov/popclock/) there are only 3.5 million confirmed cases of Covid
19 (source: Johns Hopkins https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/us-map)
. I'm not clear why you keep using those two numbers
together, since that's not how you arrive at any meaningful information. We
know that not everyone has had Covid-19, and we know exactly when it first
showed up in the U.S. Perhaps you're trying to come up for the viral
transmission rate, which is called the R0 (R-zero) (source: CDC https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html).
This determines how many people are likely to get infected from another
infected person (source: LiveScience https://www.livescience.com/new-coronavirus-compare-with-flu.html). For example, most flus have an R0 of less than 1.
H1N1 had an R0 of 1.4 to 1.6. The Spanish Flu, which killed 50 million people,
had an R0 as high as 2.8. Keeping in mind that we're currently in the middle of
the pandemic and not at the end, the current estimated R-value for Covid-19 is
between 2.0 and 4.0 with 2.5 as the accepted best value (source: CDC https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html).
Back to our 3.5 million sick, of those, as of today, there are only 1 million
recovered, and sadly 138,000 U.S. deaths (source: Johns Hopkins https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/us-map). Depending on when you take the numbers, that's a
3.9% mortality in just rough figures. We've been warned that the confirmed
death rate is lagging (source: Dr. Fauci statements https://www.barrons.com/articles/covid-19-cases-death-rate-faucci-stock-market-51594227811). The CDC, based on its confirmed (i.e. more
accurate) data, offers a higher number of between 5.5% and 6.9% (source: CDC https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html). Either way, the mortality rate is higher than
you're trying to tell us because you're drawing from the wrong set of numbers
to do you math.
I'll be six feet away for you! |
None of which takes into
account the suffering, cost, or potential disability of those 1 million folks
who have "recovered". All things being equal, if they were young and
healthy and have excellent insurance and a solid savings plan and are eligible
for worker's compensation when they contracted Covid, they may walk away with
nothing more than a good story. As we're still in the middle of this pandemic,
we don't know the total cost, but right now studies are finding that Covid
causes heart damage and cardiovascular damage which may put people at risk for
heart attacks and strokes (source: Lancet https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30183-5/fulltext). There are also studies that show long-term lung
damage which may lead to longer-term asthma and hypertension (source: Keck
School of Medicine https://www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2020/06/02/covid-health-effects).
I appreciate that you've been
on the ground, seeing it every day. That is great information to have and a
unique place to be. Although, as one person, it's a limited world view, and I
suspect that, and your erroneous math, is what has colored your position.
That's why we keep asking you to support your arguments with evidence from a
reputable source, so that we can see that your anecdotal report lines up with
the real numbers. So far, it doesn't. Now, I could play my "One of my best
friends is a doctor." card. It's actually true, and anyone who knows
anything about me, knows this is a fact. He's been "on the ground" in
the U.S. since Covid landed. He took one of the first suspected cases. He's
been watching as his colleagues become positive for Covid. Freaks me out to
think about it. The thing is, though, I don't have to play that anecdotal
evidence card because all the information we're getting says that your
statements are wrong, that Covid is an ongoing, raging pandemic, and that
without meaningful change many more are going to die.
That's all I have to say
about that.