She doesn't even chew bubblegum. |
Whoops! I’m supposed to be updating this more than
just once a month.
The year sorta got away from
me there at the end. I took a bit of
vacation, then I got lazy, because vacation is WAY better than real life, then
I got a little bit sick, then I got a bit better.
Anyhow, this week is the week
for the re-release of Hell Becomes Her.
Here’s an excerpt:
doors slid back exactly as they were supposed to, and Del pointed both her SIGs
through the opening. She knew it was wrong. Two hands on one gun with a
straight-thumbs hold was the correct way to give proper support to aim and
shoot quickly and consistently. Hollywood liked to show action heroes shooting
from the hip, or blasting away without aiming and taking down a room full of
bad guys, whose best response was to fire impotently at the ceiling or
comically into other bad guys. It was all so much useless eye candy. A gun in
each hand gave support to neither and made it impossible to sight. She’d need
independent use of each of her eyes, like a chameleon, to train the guns on
different targets at the same time.
Del knew
it was wrong, but it looked damned impressive from the receiving end.
your fire!” a voice commanded from outside the elevator. “Hold your fire!”
wasn’t certain if the order was for her, the two ranks of Ljosalfar soldiers in
their body armor who surrounded the elevator, or both. Either way, holes
weren’t being punched into her favorite skin and that was a good thing. She
might still die, riddled with bullets and spitting blood, but not yet. Not yet.
unwrapped and wrapped her fingers on her SIGs, and smiled.
boys,” Del said. “Who wants some?”
your fire!” Alfred Waru said again.
you cunning bastard,” Del purred. “Come on in and give me a hug. I’ve solved
almost all your problems. There’s only one left.”
rather you put down your weapons,” Alfred replied. Del homed in on his voice
from behind the second rank of soldiers, but couldn’t make him out through all
the helmets. “We’ve locked the elevator. The doors won’t close, and the car
won’t move. Let’s talk about this.”
about what?” Del said and laughed. “How you lied to your people? How you betrayed and murdered your own? How you’ve doomed them through your schemes
and plots?”
More to follow!