Friday, August 28, 2020

Entertainment Round Up — Surviving the West the East the Jungle and the Stage

As promised, here are my mini-reviews for the past week. Some really good entertainment as

Yo da lay hee, yo da lay he. He rides alone!

we enter the waning days of summer!

Alone (Season 3)—Is good. Moving from Vancouver Island to Patagonia was smart. I liked the first two installments, but the second season was something of a repeat. It’s a very chill show, sometimes punctuated by short bursts of excitement, but the overall concept really carries the show for me. (Hulu)

Rustler’s Rhapsody—Still rules. This is another one of my “movies from the 80s” that my boys were certain would suck. While I did have to explain a few of the tropes that were being played off, that was only because my boys were so enthralled by the movie. It remains a hilarious send-up of B-movie westerns that deserves more love. (Amazon Prime)

The One and Only Ivan—Wow. The CGI on this film is simply incredible. Disney wants you to believe that this is a Disney-fied version “based on actual events”, but really it’s based on a wholly fictional book which was inspired by the actual events—which are much darker and more troubling. Still, there’s a lot to enjoy about this film if taken for the fiction it is. (Disney+)

The New Legends of Monkey (Season 2)—Is a win. I honestly thought this was never coming back, which would have been a real shame. The characters continue to delight in that very New Zealand/Hercules/Xena way. Sure, it’s Monkey King who ties it all together, but it’s that character played off the co-stars—Pigsy, Tripitaka, and Sandy—that makes it so fun. (Netflix)

Live from the Space Stage: Halyx—Is fascinating. My oldest son has followed Defunctland for several years now, reveling in the “forgotten” history of Disneyland and other theme parks. The story of Halyx, a rock band created to play at Disneyland, who almost crossed over into the mainstream. It’s worth watching, and since it’s free, you might as well. (YouTube)

Do you agree with my picks? What did I get right? What did I get wrong? What would you like me to review next? 

Tell me in the comments below!

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